

Reshaping health for a stronger Europe

As a broad Coalition whose membership spans all 27 EU countries and all areas of the health and life sciences sector, we are proposing five actions that can help Europe leverage health to achieve its...
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Event report: Digitally-enabled healthcare: Is our ecosystem on track? news

Event report: Digitally-enabled healthcare: Is our ecosystem on track?

On 7 March 2024, the EU Health Coalition organised an event to discuss the current state of digital transformation within healthcare systems and address the fundamental challenges that hinder the acce...
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Spending on health is an investment in the future: some examples news

Spending on health is an investment in the future: some examples

Screening Source: Innovation for Sustainable Cancer Care Source: Tackling inequalities in cancer care in the European Union Source: The Life Savers: The value of medical and digital...
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Investing in Health – A Call to Action for EU Finance and Economy Ministers news

Investing in Health – A Call to Action for EU Finance and Economy Ministers

We, the members of the EU Health Coalition – a multi-stakeholder initiative representing 49 organisations from across the healthcare sector – call on the EU Finance and Economy Ministers meeting i...
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Investing in Health – A Call to Action news

Investing in Health – A Call to Action

We, the members of the EU Health Coalition – a multi-stakeholder initiative representing 49 organisations from across the healthcare sector – call on the health ministers of OECD countries meeting...
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Our Manifesto for a Healthier Europe news

Our Manifesto for a Healthier Europe

The time is now for health and the life science sector to be recognized as a strategic pillar for Europe, complementing and reinforcing the green and digital transitions On the heels of the most seve...
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The EU Health Coalition proposes EU action to transition towards people- and patient-centred health systems news

The EU Health Coalition proposes EU action to transition towards people- and patient-centred health systems

Following up on one of the key recommendations from the EU Health Summit, the EU Health Coalition proposes to set up an EU4Health project to support Member States in making health systems more people-...
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EU Health Summit 2023 event report news

EU Health Summit 2023 event report

On 15 November, at its 3rd EU Health Summit, the EU Health Coalition called on Europe to think big and make health and life sciences a third strategic pillar for delivering a true EU Health Union (EHU...
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Health and life sciences to be recognised as the third strategic pillar for Europe for a true EU Health Union news

Health and life sciences to be recognised as the third strategic pillar for Europe for a true EU Health Union

Today the EU Health Coalition has published a vision for European health, supported by a set of concrete recommendations and policy proposals designed to make it happen. The Coalition is a multi-stake...
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The EU Health Coalition calls for ENVI to be given shared competence on the European Health Data Space file news

The EU Health Coalition calls for ENVI to be given shared competence on the European Health Data Space file

The EU Health Coalition welcomes the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on the European Health Data Space (EHDS) as an important step towards a more patient-centric, harmonised, interop...
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Maximise EHDS impact on better health data sharing: Event flash report and key messages from stakeholders news

Maximise EHDS impact on better health data sharing: Event flash report and key messages from stakeholders

The EU Health Coalition, with the support of BioMed Alliance, EAU, EFPIA and COCIR organised a hybrid workshop with stakeholders and policy makers on 18 May to 'Maximise EHDS impact on better health d...
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The EU Health Coalition calls on the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union to work towards the establishment of a Forum for Better Access to Health Innovation news

The EU Health Coalition calls on the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union to work towards the establishment of a Forum for Better Access to Health Innovation

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the importance of collaboration between European policymakers, Member States, and all other actors across the health community in ensuring our healthcare systems wor...
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EU Health Summit report news

EU Health Summit report

The second edition of the EU Health Summit “Time for Action” (26 October 2020) sought to put forward an action plan to implement 10 recommendations jointly developed by the 33 EU Health Coalition...
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EU Health Summit 2020 videos news

EU Health Summit 2020 videos

On 26 October, we hosted the second EU Health Summit and we presented our 10 recommendations for a healthier Europe. If you missed the event, you can watch it now! ...
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A shared vision for the future of health in Europe – Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic news

A shared vision for the future of health in Europe – Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many of the present, underlying challenges of healthcare systems throughout Europe. At the same time, it has highlighted the destructive effect that serious publi...
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It is time to invest in Europe as a true research and innovation hub: EU Health Coalition statement on adopting a future-oriented Multi-annual Financial Framework 2021 – 2027 news

It is time to invest in Europe as a true research and innovation hub: EU Health Coalition statement on adopting a future-oriented Multi-annual Financial Framework 2021 – 2027

The EU Health Coalition welcomes President von der Leyen’s proposal for a European Health Union, with a consolidated EU4Health programme, stronger health institutions and a new European agency for b...
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EU4Health and Horizon Europe budget cuts are a missed opportunity for innovation, research, resilient health systems and healthy citizens news

EU4Health and Horizon Europe budget cuts are a missed opportunity for innovation, research, resilient health systems and healthy citizens

The EU Health Coalition very much regrets the outcome of the European Council where health, research and innovation have been sacrificed in the overall budget negotiations. In May, when the European C...
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The EU Health Coalition calls for a Horizon Europe budget reflective of Europe’s ambition for an innovative and competitive research landscape, warning a budget cut would jeopardise EU health research news

The EU Health Coalition calls for a Horizon Europe budget reflective of Europe’s ambition for an innovative and competitive research landscape, warning a budget cut would jeopardise EU health research

There is a long track record of EU health research initiatives that can improve Europe’s ability to face emergencies and enable Member States to respond to health challenges. Health research has led...
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Europe should fill the gap and exercise leadership in health research news

Europe should fill the gap and exercise leadership in health research

It is time to coordinate health research efforts across Europe through the implementation of a European Health Research Council Brussels, 9 July 2020 Dear President von der Leyen, Dear Commissi...
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The EU Health Coalition calls for an ambitious EU4Health programme for Europe to take the lead in healthcare news

The EU Health Coalition calls for an ambitious EU4Health programme for Europe to take the lead in healthcare

COVID-19 has exacerbated many of the existing, underlying problems of healthcare systems. At the same time, it has highlighted the devastating impact that serious public health threats can have on bot...
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The EU Health Coalition calls for Health Ministers to keep a pivotal role in the EU Recovery Instrument negotiations news

The EU Health Coalition calls for Health Ministers to keep a pivotal role in the EU Recovery Instrument negotiations

COVID-19 has shown the devastating impact that serious health threats can have not only on the health and well-being of our citizens, but also on our economies. The current crisis clearly demonstrates...
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Need for more solidarity and coordinated EU action to tackle COVID-19 news

Need for more solidarity and coordinated EU action to tackle COVID-19

Europe remains at the epicentre of the COVID-19 crisis. No single European country is immune to the devastating consequences of this virus. Responding to the challenges of the pandemic thus requires a...
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The EU Health Coalition calls for a Horizon Europe budget reflective of Europe’s ambition for an innovative and competitive research landscape, warning a budget cut would jeopardize EU health research news

The EU Health Coalition calls for a Horizon Europe budget reflective of Europe’s ambition for an innovative and competitive research landscape, warning a budget cut would jeopardize EU health research

The fresh financial blueprint put forward by European Council President Charles Michel outlines that the funding to research and innovation will amount to €84.013billion. This proposal is in contras...
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The EU Health Coalition highlights the need for concrete measures for better health for people in light of the publication of the State of Health in the EU news

The EU Health Coalition highlights the need for concrete measures for better health for people in light of the publication of the State of Health in the EU

Introduction The EU Health Coalition welcomes the publication of the 2019 edition of the State of Health in the EU country profiles and companion report. Assessing and benchmarking health system perf...
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A shared vision for the future of health in Europe | Save the date for the 2nd EU Health Summit news

A shared vision for the future of health in Europe | Save the date for the 2nd EU Health Summit

As an EU Health Coalition, we strongly believe that the EU has an important role to play in building a healthy future for Europe. Ensuring that all European citizens can live healthier lives must...
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The EU Health Coalition calls for a strong health dimension in Cohesion policy 2021-2027 news

The EU Health Coalition calls for a strong health dimension in Cohesion policy 2021-2027

With more than 7,000 health-related projects financed through the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) in the programming period 2014-2020, cohesion policy demonstrated its crucial contribu...
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The EU Health Coalition calls on the Finnish Presidency, Member States and the European Commission to work together to establish a Forum for Better Access to Health Innovation news

The EU Health Coalition calls on the Finnish Presidency, Member States and the European Commission to work together to establish a Forum for Better Access to Health Innovation

Over the last decades, Europe has made huge advances in health. Nowadays, EU citizens can expect to live up to 30 years longer than they did a century ago. Cancer death rates have fallen by 20% ov...
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EU Health Coalition calls for a balanced Horizon Europe that fosters both research and innovation and supports cross-fertilisation and collaboration across the framework programme’s pillars and clusters news

EU Health Coalition calls for a balanced Horizon Europe that fosters both research and innovation and supports cross-fertilisation and collaboration across the framework programme’s pillars and clusters

In light of the open consultation on the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan, the EU Health Coalition welcomes the European Commission’s outline, setting out policy priorities for the upcoming research &a...
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EU Health Coalition calls upon the European Council to increase the total Horizon Europe budget to € 120 billion news

EU Health Coalition calls upon the European Council to increase the total Horizon Europe budget to € 120 billion

Ahead of the European Council Meeting (20-21 June), the EU Health Coalition calls upon Member States to adopt a Multiannual Financial Framework as well as a Horizon Europe budget which echo Europe’s ambition for innovation in research.
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Stronger together for a healthier Europe news

Stronger together for a healthier Europe

As we head towards the European Parliament elections in 2019, healthcare systems and citizens across Europe are facing unprecedented challenges driven by an ageing population, and increased prevalence...
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