What is the EU Health Coalition?

The EU Health Coalition was created following the first-ever EU Health Summit, in November 2018. The Coalition promotes a shared vision of health in Europe, based on jointly developed recommendations. The purpose is to ensure that health remains high on the political agenda amid the geopolitical, economic and energy crises unfolding in Europe and to champion the changes required to address the unprecedented challenges that an ageing population and an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases pose to healthcare systems and citizens. The EU Health Coalition is composed of 46 patient organisations, EU research-oriented medical societies, industry organisations, healthcare providers, regional and local health authorities and other relevant stakeholders, who all share a common vision.  


How is the EU Health Coalition different from other coalitions in health?

We are member-run and member-driven. As partners in the EU Health Coalition, we are proud to fund, contribute in-kind and do all the work ourselves, from big projects such as the EU Health Summit and the policy recommendations that we launch every two years, to smaller events, projects, and thematic workplans.  

We are over 40 partners representing all sectors active in EU health policy, from patient organisations to hospitals, from industry to researchers, from regional and local health authorities to think tanks. We may not agree on everything, but we focus on the common ground between us to provide European policymakers with actionable insights at a time of change, challenges, and innovation in Europe so that the continent can lead in health policymaking, research and innovation, and digital transformation.  

Our flagship event, the EU Health Summit, not only brings together all relevant sectors in health but is also the launchpad of bold yet pragmatic recommendations and policy asks for the sector.  

Those recommendations are developed in four partner-led Working Groups across the following thematic areas:  

  • Accelerating the digital transformations of health systems 
  • Boosting research and innovation  
  • Improving access to innovation  
  • Strengthening health systems integration  
What projects and initiatives does the EU Health Coalition run?

Every two years since 2018, the EU Health Coalition convenes the EU Health Summit, an event that convenes around 250 policymakers in EU and national agencies, civil society organisations, researchers, patient organisations, industry, and other stakeholders to map the future of health and innovation for health in Europe. Either in the lead-up to or at the EU Health Summit, the Coalition launches a series of recommendations and policy asks aimed at European policy- and decision-makers in health and related areas. Read more about the EU Health Summit here. 

The Coalition organises smaller events and puts forward statements and positions on relevant issues for the health and life sciences sectors.  

How do you work in the EU Health Coalition?

The Coalition is co-chaired by Nathalie Moll, from the European Association of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), and Mary Lynne Van Poelgeest Pomfret, from the World Federation of Incontinence and Pelvic Problems (WFIPP).  

We work in four, partner-chaired Working Groups across four thematic areas chosen to reflect the transformations and developments in modern health systems:  

  • Accelerating the digital transformations of health systems (Co-Chairs EHMA and EFPIA)  
  • Boosting research and innovation (Co-Chairs Biomed Alliance and CVBF)  
  • Improving access to innovation (Chair EFPIA) 
  • Strengthening health systems integration (Co-Chairs EUDF and EUREGHA)  

The chairs of the groups are renewed annually.  

Cross-functional groups include the Secretariat (overall coordination), the Leadership Group (strategic direction and overview), and the Communications Task Force (leading on the communication activities for the EU Health Coalition).  

How can I become a member?

Every European association, whose main mission and objectives actively contribute to a positive future for European health and are ready to commit to the Coalition’s objectives and recommendations, can join the partnership. 

Additional requirements are as follows: 

  • Commitment to the agreed plans and their implementation 
  • Commitment to actively take part in meetings and assist with the activities of the Coalition 

Requests to join the Coalition must be addressed in writing to at least one of the Coalition’s partners. All Coalition partners will have to approve it unanimously in writing. 

Is there a membership fee?

There is no membership fee to join the EU Health Coalition. We fundraise internally for Coalition projects, with up to a third of the partners contributing financially to its activities and the majority of them in-kind as well.  

How are you funded?

We are self-funded, meaning that partners in the Coalition contribute financially to the projects. For an overview of our funding since 2018, click here.